In Her Mittens, part 2 
(read part 1 here)
I’d like to share with our readers some recent developments regarding Mariam & Gayane Torgomyan and their stay with us. As always, I ask for your continued prayers and support.
Mariam Torgomyan was severely burnt when she was 2 years old. For the last 16 years she has had NO functional use of her left hand and restricted use of her right hand. The Children’s Burn Foundation has arranged for renowned hand surgeon, Dr. David A. Kulber of Cedars-Sinai Hospital (Los Angeles) to accept Mariam as a patient. The estimated cost for Dr. Kulber’s service, hospital charges, medicine, and specialized medical equipment is $66,000. The Children’s Burn Foundation has appropriated this amount for Mariam’s care.
In His Shoes has offered to provide room/board and transportation (to and from surgery/therapy) during the entire medical procedure, which is scheduled to take 6 to 9 months. Afterward they will return to Armenia so that Mariam can enjoy a new lease on life.
Mariam and her mother Gayane arrived on July 27. We had a chance to introduce them to the local community through the Youth Ministries Center in Glendale, and even celebrated her "name day" on the Feast of Assumption last week. Despite her physical difficulties and challenges, both Mariam and Gayane possess an exemplary disposition and a remarkable faith in God. (Can you tell by looking at their picture?)
Mariam's first surgery takes place on September 2nd. We've already made arrangements for room and board during their stay. Many of our readers have asked how they can help. Below are some very small and practical ways you can bring your participation - to place your hands "In Her Mittens." If you can volunteer or assist with any of the following please drop a line to
1) Transportation: 4-6 hours a week, driving in the Los Angeles metro area. Day of week will vary, but if you're open even for a one-time shot, that's fine too.
2) Transportation: Two (2x) Amtrak train tickets per week - Moorpark to Glendale - $32/each way
3) Cell phone and phone card for U.S./Armenia - $50/month
4) Donation of any amount to pay for incidental expenses (send donation to "St. Peter Armenian Church Youth Ministry, 632 W. Stocker St., Glendale, CA 91202, MEMO: "Mittens") or donate securely on the web.
As always, we'll keep everyone informed of Mariam's progress on our website - as well as through all the usual channels, including this blog.
I look forward to your active participation in this, as well as all of our projects.
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